HISTORY: Democrat Mob Ties Revealed at Last

Who really killed JFK? 

We may never know the full story, but President Trump did everything he could to get the facts out there – while the liberal media ignored him.

Here’s how Trump unlocked the secret JFK files… and the horrific dem-mafia ties they showed:

With President Trump having pledged to release every secret file on the JFK assassination by October this year, it’s no surprise that more and more facts are being revealed…

But the content of those files is still shocking… including the PROOF that the CIA under Kennedy and the dems worked directly with the mob.

In particular, the files revealed the immoral truth of the CIA’s underhanded deals with Chicago Mafia boss Sam “Momo” Giancana. 

Revealed to the public for the first time ever, these documents explained the details of several assassination attempts against Cuba’s communist leader Fidel Castro. Almost cinematic in their conceptualization, the plans constructed by the CIA were elaborate, and at times outlandish. 

This story’s sinister history begins in 1960, when the US government began plotting to assassinate Castro, who was rightly considered by many to be a major threat to national security. 

Instead of taking legitimate steps, Kennedy sunk to using illicit deals and coercion… The Kennedys seemingly worked alongside Giancana to woo the Mafia into helping JFK win the presidential election. That the Kennedys immediately went back to the Mafia when they wanted to assassinate Castro just shows how deep their corruption really lay…

CIA officer Richard Bissell took this mission to new depths as he led the search for elicit assets to aid his “gangster-type” plans. Giancana was one of the main leaders and instigators of these attempts on Castro’s life. His hatred for Castro ran deep, and revenge seemed to be in sight if only he could properly manipulate the CIA to work in the Mafia’s favor. 

The CIAs cooperation with the Mafia to commit several assassination attempts against Castro only prove that the enemy of your enemy cannot be your friend. 

Fueled by greed and revenge, this partnership relied solely on secrecy to keep the CIA’s involvement out of the media. 

Of course what mattered more to them was not maintaining the moral rights and obligations of running a government office, but to avoid tarnishing the reputation of the Government by hiding secrets and allowing illegal activities to slip by for their own benefit. 

The simple fact is, not only did the CIA’s work with the mob risk destroying confidence in American leadership at the most critical time of all…

It achieved nothing! Millions wasted planning absurd assassination plots, any number of career criminals being rewarded for their lives of crime… and a connection between the CIA and the mafia that may never have truly ended.

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11 Thoughts to “HISTORY: Democrat Mob Ties Revealed at Last”

  1. ward

    Worst attack on U.S. Citizen since Kennedy assasination is the 2021 fraud election by dem leaders treason & now the wannabe dictator biden as a bo crony to destroy U.S. Freedom !

    1. American

      It shows how far back those DAMOCRAPS HAVE been corrupt . they are the ones that made slaves of the black people. And some how beleive the black people owe them their votes that I sure don’t understand . but by listening to a DAMOCRAP every one owes them their vote. Look at stupid peelousi just because she is a idiot she thinks every one should want communism ignorant bat. They should take FAUCI AND Liz chene and beat peelousi and BIDEN with them

  2. Wyatt Earp

    I always believe that the democrats was behind the killing of Kennedy and John Jr. I won’t think otherwise!

  3. GI Bride

    When is Biden almost every weekend up at his home in Delaware????. When he was VP he did the same so many security things had to be installed. Also Biden’s security detail were not allowed to sleep in Biden’s property when they were off duty. Also Biden billed the taxpayer for any foods or drinks if they were allowed any on duty. Plus Hotels in town had to be rented for the off duty personal at the taxpayers expense
    I sure by now Biden has had all the up dates as president if the most expensive & the fanciest.
    How about the News media checking into it, & If so how much is it costing the taxpayer for Biden to go to Delaware every weekend . & not to the BORDER????

    1. American

      Crooks need body guards. That whole damn clan of DAMOCRAPS need to be completely eliminate. They should make them fertilizer for COMMUNIST China’s food.

  4. B.W.

    HEY GUYS, the Mafia ties to the Kennedy Family IS NOT NEW! Why do you think Bobby was assassinated as well! The Mafia could not kill one without killing the other particularly the Attorney General!

    The proof of the Mafia and CIA only confirms what has been stated for years, OUR CIA IS TOTALLY CORRUPT on a DOMESTIC BASIS and needs to be REORGANIZED!

  5. Butch Gualtier

    Biden, good grief, stand on your own two feet. What the hell am I thinking.

  6. SWB

    Life liberty and the pursuit of an honest government

  7. Mary Hale


  8. Darlene Avery

    I think we need a whole new CIA FBI and all of that a clean start with honest people and get rid of all the Democrats in there that are doing wrong

  9. Amber

    Mary, from ur lips to GODS ears…….. She may not be the worst but she’s getting there..

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